Thursday, March 01, 2007

Picture Log #8: It Seems My Mom's Gotten It Together

Not to mention she took it upon herself to throw out almost all my old plants.

Surprisingly, I'm not too mad, though.

The green grapes are growing new little branches, chutes...whatever you call them, and it's so exciting!

So, instead of listing what all is gone, here is what stays from the old bunch:

My new additions [the grapes, yellow/orange rose, and Rhoeo Tri-Color]
My one plant that I thought was a form of Carnation, but is actually Sweet William

And that is it.

Here are the new additions. I'll start with the unknown plants first, that I am hoping people can identify for me as "for sure"

Lavendar? What kind?!

Someone said this is a Kale..

Now onto the others:


Floppy Hyacinth:

My dying Tulips [why are they dying so soon?]:

The orange/yellow roses. I believe they were called Joseph's Coat:

The new and old Sweet William [sidenote: the old SW on the right is the only plant that lasted strong throughout the frost that killed everything else]:

And probably the reason I'm not mad about the other plants, this Gardenia:

Oh my stars and garters! I forgot I recently bought a Tomato plant! It's healthy, no pictures yet. It's a Roma Tomato.

And there you go. The Gardenia has big buds on it, we're all waiting to see the blooms.


Blogger Annie in Austin said...

Hi Andrea,

I think the yellow flower is a wallflower, botanic name might be erysimum cheryi. Here's a link to a site in the Pacific Northwest.
[you might have to put the 'com/' next to 'wallflower' to make the link work.]
The one in the photo is orange, but they come in yellow, too. Many wallflowers have a nice fragrance.

The green plant with the big leaves looks like Fatsia japonica, sometimes called False aralia. It can be a big, beautiful, tropical looking shrub, but needs shade, especially from the hot afternoon sun.

Tulips usually start blooming when they are still pretty short, then the leaves start getting longer and floppier before they 'ripen' and eventually fall off. They look hideous during this process, but they're building up the bulb so it can be dormant under the ground, waiting for next spring. If yours are already getting long and yellowing without blooming, it won't bloom this year.

The gardenia looks great! Mine made it through the winter, and I'm hoping it can bloom again.

Good luck ~

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

4:25 PM  

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